May 31st Newsletter
Posted on May 31 2024See our latest newsletter here!
See our latest newsletter here!
BRSD Board of Trustees Approves 2024-2027 Education Plan The Board of Trustees at Battle River School Division (BRSD) is pleased to announce the approval of BRSD’s 2024-27 Education Plan, designed to…
BRSD Budget Announcement 2024-2025 The Board of Trustees at Battle River School Division (BRSD) is pleased to announce the approval of their 2024-25 budget, which is submitted to Alberta Education by…
Click here to see this weeks newsletter!
BRSD Budget 2024-2025 Each spring, school divisions across the province receive their budget allocations from Alberta Education. The Board of Battle River School Division (BRSD) has approved the 2024-25…
BRSD Welcomes Students Through ÉCKS Cougars Connect Program Battle River School Division (BRSD) is preparing for the upcoming school year and anticipating positive experiences for its students. As elementary…
It has been a busy two weeks! Click here to see what our students have been up to!
Here is April's update from our Superintendent.
Here is a copy of our latest newsletter!
BRSD Transportation Registration Open Battle River School Division (BRSD) Transportation is pleased to announce that bus registration for the 2024/25 school year is open from April 17, 2024, until 4 p.m.…
BRSD Embraces April Opportunities as Spring Unfolds As April unfolds, Battle River School Division (BRSD) extends warm wishes to all, hoping that Easter weekend was joyful and left everyone with love,…
THANK YOU to all our volunteers who help make our school amazing! Read a message here from our Superintendent, Rhae-Ann Holoien.
Parent Teacher Interviews are scheduled for Thursday, April 25, 2024 from 4:00 - 8:30. Use this link to book your in person appointments with your teachers.
Click here to see the latest update from KPS.
BRSD Board Approves 2025-28 Capital Plan Battle River School Division (BRSD) Board of Trustees has approved the division’s capital plan, which will be submitted to Alberta Education prior to April 1,…
BRSD Announces Edwin Parr Teacher Award Battle River School Division (BRSD) is excited to announce that Kaden Doerksen is our Edwin Parr Award nominee. He has been selected to represent our division as…
Killam Public School will be closed for Spring Break from March 18 - 22. We hope everyone enjoys their break and we look forward to welcoming students back on March 25th!
Here is a copy of our KPS newsletter for March 15, 2024!
Unlocking Academic Excellence, BRSD Highlights Benefits of French Immersion Battle River School Division (BRSD) is proud to emphasize numerous advantages of its French Immersion programming, which provides…
Do you know what is in BRSD's Three Year Education Plan? You are able to watch a short video to see the highlights of our plan and results as well as to provide feedback through this survey.